- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family Info
- Hobbies
- Others...
> Number of words: 120 (minimum)
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts

Hi, my name is Rodrigo Suárez and I'm your English teacher in charge of this blog. Let me tell you somethings about myself. I was born on July 6th, 1971 in Santiago. Early on, my family left Chile to live abroad. I spent my elementary school years in Germany, England and the United States. I completed my high school here in Chile. I went to The English Institute and Colegio del Alba. My parents separated in 1987 so I lived with my mom and my brother Fernando in Providencia until I left home to live by myself. I have worked as an English teacher for many years, most of them at Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano. What about hobbies? Well, I love reading and playing the guitar. Right now, I'm taking classes with a friend who is a guitar master. I also like to write poetry and short stories. I might publish a book soon. One of my favorite activities is to go to a café and drink coffee while I talk with friends about books, movies or politics. See you!!

Hi, my name is Rodrigo Suárez and I'm your English teacher in charge of this blog. Let me tell you somethings about myself. I was born on July 6th, 1971 in Santiago. Early on, my family left Chile to live abroad. I spent my elementary school years in Germany, England and the United States. I completed my high school here in Chile. I went to The English Institute and Colegio del Alba. My parents separated in 1987 so I lived with my mom and my brother Fernando in Providencia until I left home to live by myself. I have worked as an English teacher for many years, most of them at Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano. What about hobbies? Well, I love reading and playing the guitar. Right now, I'm taking classes with a friend who is a guitar master. I also like to write poetry and short stories. I might publish a book soon. One of my favorite activities is to go to a café and drink coffee while I talk with friends about books, movies or politics. See you!!
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